Friday, February 20, 2015

February Newsletter

5th Grade Gazette

What’s happening at Glenbrook?
By :Olivia & Kali
Important Dates to Remember
MAny things are happening at Glenbrook such as, the Glenbrook box top war, and Musician  in Residence/  concert with folk music.

Musician in Residence:image.jpg

Glenbrook Box top Wars: THE  4th GRADE WON!!!!!! with 5,137 box tops
2nd Place- 1st grade (4,667)
3rd Place- 5th Grade (3,908)

What are we learning?

5th Grade Team

In math we are subtracting decimal fractions along with working on long division problems to get us ready for middle school.

In Reading we are working on Close Reads about the 13 colonies.  With a close read, we are able to dig deeper into information about the new england, middle, and southern colonies.

Science/Social studies: In social studies we are learning about the 13 colonies and the origins of america

Writing: We are making realistic fiction narratives. Each Class is working on a different published piece.  once we are done with our second narrative we will be taking a “on demand” writing test, to show what we know about the writing process and narrative writing.
Thanks for all you do for your 5th grade students.  

Ellen Melberg-

Cora Boucher-

Jamie Somerville-

Nicole Diemel-


Kelyn Kasten-

Kate Hebel-

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